
First Time Astrology Reading

Core birth chart and current timing (recent past and near future).


Follow Up Astrology Reading

$1.50 per minute (15 min = $22.50, 30 min = $45, 60 min = $90 and so on)

Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

$1.50 per minute (15 min = $22.50, 30 min = $45, 60 min = $90 and so on)

Specialized Astrology Readings

Astrology charts can be cast for relocation, relationships, and special events (like starting a business or getting married). Prices depend on the complexity of the reading request (for example, a chart cast to look a move to a single specific location would take 30 minutes of time, but to look at the three best unspecified locations would take perhaps 120 minutes of time).

$45 to $200